Canvas Prints

Canvas Printing & Stretching
Create a masterpiece – turn your favourite photo or artwork into a totally bespoke piece of art.
Digiprint can produce all sizes of canvas prints.
Sizes available vary from A3 upto 1500mm wide on a high quality canvas stock.
Mounting is onto a 22mm mdf frame to give a stable backing that resists warping & distortion.
Supplied with all hanging fixings ready for your wall.

*  Turn your favourite photos into personalised pieces of art to decorate your home

 *  Choose from a variety of standard  sizes or use your preferred

 *  Portrait, landscape, or square orientation available

 *  Professionally printed photos on canvas produced with a satin finish

 *  Constructed by hand here in the UK

 *  Wrapped around solid frame with 22mm depth

 *  Delivered ready to hang